When you come to the studio for your maternity session, we will talk about what to expect at your newborn session. And after you leave, I’ll be sending along a prep guide that is full of good info to get you ready for your newborn session.
First, outfits. Please don’t wait until after the baby arrives, and you’re exhausted and nursing non stop to pick out outfits. Dig through the closet and see if you want to shop your closet, or do some online shopping. Plan to coordinate, but not match. Start with Mom’s outfit, always. Wear something that stretches over your post partum body, belly and arms if you want to cover them. Something flowy and cool, it’s warm in the studio. No crazy colors, logos or patterns. Just think simple and timeless. You might go with earth tones, or tans, greys.
Once you have your outfit chosen, work on Dad. Compliment the color of your shirt, a different tone or a complimentary color perhaps. But this time choose a texture, it could be a sweater, a Henley type shirt for example. Some dad’s will wear a white t shirt. Whatever you choose, check it over for stains if it’s from the closet, and remove it from the packaging, and see if it needs to be ironed before your session. Get those wrinkles out!
If you have older children that will be photographed, work on their outfits next. Remember that the studio is warm, so either dress them in layers that you can add the final top to when its their time to be photographed, or bring it with you separately and change them at the studio. Kids magically find a way to spill on their clothes, am I right? For girls, a flowy shirt, and for boys, a plain white tee is always nice. Boys can wear a button up shirt, or even jeans and a light sweater. If everyone is wearing solids, it can be nice for the boys to wear a patterned button up, in colors that compliment everyone’s tones.
I prefer hair down, and in light waves or straight for the ladies. Large bows in girls hair fall, and we waste time trying to get it to look right, so consider leaving those at home. Make sure you have removed your nail polish or have freshly painted them a nice light color. Have the boys check their nails to make sure they are trimmed and clean.
Don’t forget to double check your diaper bag before your newborn session. Pack plenty of diapers, for baby and older siblings if needed. Bring a spare shirt for you and Dad, because poop or spit up happens. Snacks, and plenty of water for you. There are some great restaurants around my studio, and you are welcome to send Dad for a carryout order. I do have some light snacks, water and coffee in the kitchenette. But if you have allergies or food sensitivities, feel free to pack whatever will keep you satisfied during your session. If you are bottle feeding, pack extra formula and bottles.
If you are bringing older kids, you may want to pack a tablet loaded with movies, or their favorite (quiet) toys or books to read. They sometimes get restless. Often parents arrange for a friend or family member to pick siblings up after their portion of the session, so they don’t have to wait as long.