This wild little man was back at the studio for his 2nd birthday photos today. I can’t believe it’s been a year since he was here for his cake smash. He’s grown so much this last year.
He is keeping his mom on her toes. She chased him in circles the entire time at the studio. But it was so worth it, his 2nd birthday photos are a perfect representation of him.
And to be the icing on the birthday cake, he smiled for me! He was Mr Serious last time I saw him. And mom showed me his daycare photos, where he had the most adorable serious face. In every single one. When she showed me I thought “uh-oh, here we go, another round of serious”. But he pulled all the stops out and smiled when he wasn’t racing around.
We spent our session capturing him at his funniest, trying to convince him to sit still for just a moment. He and I played peek-a-boo, made silly sounds, funny faces and used the feather duster to tickle.
We also got a few with mom, and even snuck one in at the last second with Grandma.
He is a very loved little boy, and he has a blossoming personality. I hope you enjoy his 2nd birthday photos.