There is nothing like giving your first born a sibling. If you’ve been in this spot, its a time of loving more, sleeping less, probably crying, wondering what you did (LOL). As a Southeast Michigan Newborn Session Photographer, some of the hardest photos are those sibling shots. It can go in so many directions, super well, super not well, tears, wiggles, whining, and giggles. Usually it involves some candy bribery, tickles, and parents holding legs down so they can’t flip over and run.
Over the years, thanks to siblings I’ve gotten good at compositing together images. Would you believe me if I told you these didn’t look like this in camera? Nope, I had to photoshop in the baby in each of them. Big brother wanted nothing to do with his brother. Evan was laying off to the side waiting for his moment to shine while we got all the expressions of Jamison.
Fortunately for me, by the time we got to family photos he was more excited to hang out with his brother. He was all about the kisses (which he did because I clapped really loud for him, and he thought it was hilarious).
This might be my favorite setup from his session though. I had just gotten in this new teddy bear bonnet and couldn’t wait to use it. I love these rich, warm, neutral tones. In the end, Evan was just amazing. He’s an adorable little chunk, with cheeks for days! I can’t get enough, check out the rest of his southeast Michigan newborn session images!