I spent my morning as a Shelby Twp newborn photographer for this adorable family with two of the cutest little girls ever.  There is always something special between sisters, and there was something so sweet between these two.  Mom told me that big sister Isabelle was looking forward to being a big sister.  And she can’t wait to make a lifetime of sisterly memories with Sophie.  

Isabelle kept coming over to watch us pose Sophie.  She couldn’t believe all the little poses she would fold into. I love when siblings want to be near their new baby sibling.  It makes my job so easy.  But I also feel a sense of accomplishment when a sibling is less cooperative and I can still make some magical images for their parents.  I didn’t have to worry today though. Isabelle did everything we asked and we snuck in a few extra sibling poses just for fun.

Sophie didn’t want to fall asleep for us at first.  She fought her sleepy eyelids as long as she could. Furrowing her cute little eyebrows whenever we stole her pacifier to take a picture. 

We eventually got there and cruised through her prop poses after family images in the lifestyle room. We did my all time favorite bucket prop, sticking with neutrals and pinks for her. I did a moon prop, which isn’t on my usual rotation. I love it on this star backdrop though from Hello Little Props. There is just something about it that makes the combination perfect.

That was nearly the end of Sophie’s sleepy time though. We went to do a toes out wrap in a dough bowl and she was awake and wriggled out of my wrap. I love this arm up in the air though like she’s so proud of herself!

After a snack break (it actually 3 snack breaks to convince her back to somewhat of a sleepy state), we moved onto some table poses. I tried to get her into froggy, which is my favorite table pose. I had her there 2 times and she woke up at the last second. So we did side-lay and bum up and then she was out. So we got a successful froggy. And it’s so cute. I love froggy, its just the best way to show those little toes and fingers, her cute little cheeks. Isabelle and her mom stood behind me, and watched the magic unfold.

Enjoy each and every one of these adorable portraits from Sophie’s Shelby Twp newborn session. Looking to book your own session? Reach out and let’s get planning!