The end of October is nearing, which means my time as a Shelby family photographer is coming to an end for 2022. I can’t believe how fast this summer flew by. It’s always such a flurry of summer activities, then the start of school, sports, homework. I love fall, in theory, but I am a summertime gal at heart.
It was so fun to see sweet little Reese and her family again. I can’t believe she is two already. It feels like just a few months ago we were doing her newborn session!
Her big brother told me he was being Batman for Halloween. He will certainly be the cutest batman out there! I got the biggest smiles from him every time I called him Batman. So of course I used that to my advantage and called him Batman every chance I got. It certainly made my evening easier, since I had to work hard for his sisters smiles.
We had a gorgeous fall evening, thankfully. Their session was actually scheduled for earlier in the week, and it was so bleak and rainy. I ended up rescheduling it for the weekend, and it worked out so perfectly. I’m so grateful for these last few warm days. It’s the perfect way to wrap up a busy season of family sessions.
I absolutely love creating these memories for my clients. Creating lasting images of your family is something I truly value. I love walking through my house and going through the portraits of my kids over the years. Those days were so long, chasing toddlers around. But the years have flown by. We’re now counting down the moments before our oldest graduates high school. I don’t know where the time went.
I treasure those framed images that allow me to reminisce those days. The kids change so much over the years. I even love the years full of crying kids, or sullen faces because they didn’t want to participate. I try so hard to get all my little clients to smile, but secretly I love those serious expressions.
Enjoy their beautiful photographs, I look forward to seeing all of my clients again when I start up sessions again as your Shelby family photographer.