I got to meet the cutest little man named Henry when he came in for his sage green cake smash. This has been a popular color this year. Both in cake smash sessions as well as newborn sessions. I love it, and love that moms are choosing it! Mom requested white with the green, but then it felt a little to collegiate. So I tossed this nice brown color in to help balance it out.
The more I do cake smash garlands, I realize that I love the three color combinations. I’m not much of a designer when it comes to home décor. But my sister has always told me to do things in three’s (or any odd number). And I apply that to my balloon garlands.
Mom and dad choose this adorable yellow outfit out of my client closet for him to start his session with. I love how it looks in my lifestyle room. Those warm neutral colors are just a home run when it comes to polishing a session. Henry was all smiles for me. Of course I still got my workout in, running back and forth to tickle his toes to get those laughs. But so worth it for all of his cute expressions.
I really thought he was going to dive into the cake honestly. He couldn’t wait to touch it when we first set him down. And he did have interest in it. Don’t get me wrong. But he kept pushing the cake stand away, and then reaching for it again. He couldn’t quite make up his mind about what he wanted. Once he had the cake on the floor, he just kept crawling through it. Then he wanted to focus on the balloons instead of the cake. But he got some cute smiles in there, and some fun expressions.
I think his parents are going to love his sage green cake smash portraits. Don’t you?