This little guy is what exactly how I dream newborn sessions will go. He was absolutely perfect, relaxed and calm and everything a newborn photographer dreams of.
He couldn’t wait to make his earthside appearance, and came earlier than his parents expected. Which is right in line with almost all my June babies so far. My notifications have been going off like crazy with arrivals coming earlier than anticipated.
Of course, it always happens on a month that is busy to begin with. Anyone else suffer with the end of the school year craze? With two in high school, final exam studying is in full swing around here. Late nights, lots of caffeine (for me), and lots of tears (for them). We jump from the end of school right into my son’s birthday party which always falls on the week school let’s out.
This sometimes works out great. Last year we took a bunch of his friends to see Jurassic Park the day it released, since it was his actual birthday. This year the weather was beautiful so we went for a shaving cream fight and pool party. The kids had a blast, it was a complete mess, and I was exhausted.
Adding a newborn session to the list of reasons why my back hurt was par for the course.
Dreamy babies
But, there was no complaints about his session, he was a dreamy little slice of heaven. Cute as could be, and slept so great. We got through all our props and poses, which is always a plus in newborn sessions. I hope he left all his good juju at the session, it’s a busy few weeks of babies coming up!
Happy Summer everyone, what do you have planned? Let me know below if you do any traveling. I have my ever growing bucket list of awesome places to go!