I’ve been switching up some backdrops and props at the studio to give new looks to my Macomb Newborn sessions and this green we used for Bobby is new. It’s quickly going to the top of my favorite colors list.
Cute little Bobby here was so good to me. His dad is super tall, so tall that he adjusted my crooked ceiling tiles for me while I worked! And his mom is tall as well. As it’s no surprise that Bobby was long and lean as well. But otherwise, he slept like a rockstar. And that just makes the session seem to fly by, he didn’t care if I was touching his fingers, his toes, moving his chin around. He was just knocked out.
I pride myself on being a very patient photographer. Anyone who’s done their Macomb Newborn sessions with me know, I will wait out some poses for a long time (froggy is always one I want to get). I will hum to them, pat them on the back, soothe them in any way I can to get that pose. But Bobby here needed none of it. He just was cool as a cucumber.
Leave a comment below and tell me if you love the new shade of green!