I love being a Macomb Posed Studio Newborn Photographer and had a great time getting to know little Wesley during his first (of many!) photoshoot. I first met his mom, Michelle, and his Dad Aaron at Michelle’s studio pregnancy session. Michelle is currently attending medical school, and little Wesley was due the last week of final exams. She was really hoping that he wouldn’t arrive early to complicate her school schedule, so instead, he did what every pregnant Mama wants (said sarcastically) and held on and went over his due date by a whole extra week.
Little Wesley came into the world, and is absolutely adorable. He has the best head of hair I’ve ever seen. His name also holds special meaning to his parents. They both really loved the name Wesley, and then realized after they decided on using it, that they actually spent the beginning of their dating lives together at Wesley Hall dorm at their alma mater of Albion College. I enjoyed learning that little bit, and immediately thought that they should go back and do a photo-op in front of that dorm together as a family of 3.
Michelle and I worked together to customize his Macomb Posed Studio Newborn Photography session, and came up with the ideal color schemes and themes that match his complexion, their household (for wall display purposes) and their style. Aaron’s favorite sport is baseball, and incorporating that theme into their session was also important to the family.
In the pre-session questionnaire, I asked Michelle what her best parenting advice was. I loved her answer so much, I decided to include it here:
“Don’t expect to be perfect and super productive those first weeks, or even months, after giving birth. If you can get one small thing done that day, then that is an accomplishment. And try and make it something for you, like a walk, or reading a couple pages in a book. Don’t worry about the house, or any of that. You just gave birth to a human, after growing said human for nine months, and now you are taking care of said human. That is a lot of work already.”
I hope you enjoy this preview into when I was Wesley’s Macomb Posed Studio Newborn Photographer. If you’re expecting, I would love to connect with you!

Wow what amazing advise she received!! He sure is a handsome little man! I love the colors you chose and the family is just perfect. Love your posing.