
Serving the Metro Detroit, Michigan area

Newborn, Cake Smash, Maternity Photography

Sweet little Lana came in for her jumbo balloon cake smash. Mom wanted something sweet and simple, and the jumbo balloon fits the bill every time.

Lana was nervous, as so many one year olds are when they come in. It’s a new place and I’m a new person. But she was so calm and patient. She kept looking to her parents for reassurance. Every now and then she’d cut loose a little and let a smile out. But mostly she was pretty reserved.

We focused mostly on family at first. Her mom said she would be ok with skipping the cake smash if that’s what worked better for Lana. So we just hung out for a bit, did a great little grouping of family images. We even tossed in a photo of Lana alone with each of her parents. This made me laugh, she was definitely a daddy’s girl. So snuggled right into him, he is very loved by her.

We did eventually move from the family photos to the cake smash. I didn’t want to wait to long if she wasn’t going to ever get super comfortable. I wanted to make sure we did cake before she cried!

She was a little torn. I think she wanted to enjoy her cake, but she wasn’t sure about it. She was happy to taste it and share it with Mom and Dad, but she didn’t want them to wander to far away. We got through and I love her gallery. She has the best little rosy cheeks, doesn’t she?

Enjoy her jumbo balloon cake smash gallery!