We celebrated with another Bee-Day Cake Smash in the studio today! This time for sweet little Sophia. I can’t believe she’s one. Sophia was an amazing baby at her newborn session, she slept and curled so perfectly.
We had so much fun at her bee-day cake smash. This has been such a popular theme the last couple years. It’s always so perfect. As the weather here in Michigan changes, the yellow makes me excited for spring! I am not a big fan of the dreary grey days that we get, so it’s the perfect time for some sunshine in life.
Sophia is always bringing her biggest smiles, and balancing it with her adorable serious face. You can just see her taking in all of her surroundings all the time. She is just a laid back little girl, who likes to veg with her arms behind her head. Sometimes a one year old on the move can be tough to photograph, but not Sophia. She’s happy and content to just hang out with you.
She really loved the frosting on her cake! I’m not even sure she ate any cake. But she sure did make a mess with the frosting. The only thing she enjoyed more than the frosting was her bath!
I wrap almost every cake smash session up with bath time. It’s a great way to get frosting off your little ones hands and body. While letting them enjoy the warm water and splash around. Sophia had water everywhere! There was so much splashing going on that she barely stopped long enough to look up at me. She just wanted to play in the water, and I loved watching her having so much fun.
Enjoy this Bee-Day cake smash! If you are looking to schedule a cake smash for your child, please reach out to me and let’s get planning.